Friends Forever

My loyal companion from across the sea
This is a loving tribute to you from me

See yourself through this friend's eyes
The real you with no protective disguise

You have a kind soul full of gentleness
Giving all of yourself....nothing less

Expressing concern when something is wrong
Lending your strength so that I can be strong

There to make me smile when I am feeling down
Your laughter and humor wipe away my frown

Thoughtful, sensitive, and generous too
Traits shown often by the things you do

You work hard each day and do your part
For your small family; keepers of your heart

My family and I enjoy our contact with you
Learning about your life and your country too

Distance does not change the bond we share
Our words and actions show how much we care

It is truly an honor to be considered your friend
A blessing that few things in life can transcend

When you need me, simply reach out your hand
Friends forever across all time, seas, and land

Lisa Jo Ewert
Written for my friend Patrick
Copyright© March 1999

No Longer Open