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Mr. Suave and Mr. Shy

Where you are concerned a mass of thoughts
Keep flowing through my mind
You possess so many diverse qualities
That a place to start is hard to find

A combination of sophistication
And introvert rolled into one
I think this blend is what makes
Spending time with you so very fun

You are a "mystery man" with
A very complex and unique personality
So suave at times with your "sweet talk"
And then as shy as shy can be

You have a way cool sense of humor
That never fails to make me smile
You make everyone around you laugh
With your carefree and quirky style

You express yourself with words in a way
That amazes me each time we chat
It shows the intricate workings of your mind
And I truly admire that

You are a very loyal friend and I appreciate
Your kind, considerate nature
At times I forget just how young you are
Because your insights are so mature

Then of course how can I forget
Your impressive title of "Best E-Mail Buddy" around
You write me back almost everyday
A better "buddy" cannot be found

You told me that you show the "real you"
Amongst your friends within the net
If this is true, don't ever change
Because I think you're as good as they get

I hope one day that you reach a level
That allows you to share the "real you" with all
Because right now those around you
Are being deprived of knowing a special individual

I want you to know that I treasure and value
Our friendship more than I can say
I care about you very much
And you are in my thoughts each and every day

Always remember that I am here for you
If you need a sympathetic ear
You never have to feel alone
Because your friend Sol is aways near

Lisa Jo. Ewert

Written for my friend Introverto
Copyright© September 1998

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