I Believe
I believe in Santa Claus
And all that he holds dear
In leaving cookies and milk
For him to find each year
I believe in Christmas time
And the birth of God's son
That the Holiday represents
The gift of the Holy One
I believe in Santa's elves
And all of his reindeer too
In working together as one
To do all they have to do
I believe in Christmas trees
And packages with a bow
Gifts given from the heart
That let your feelings show
I believe in hanging stockings
And kissing under the mistletoe
In singing Christmas carols
And making angels in the snow
I believe in peace on earth
And good will towards men
In the magic of the Holidays
For all of us and our children
Lisa Jo Ewert
Copyright© December 2001

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Copyright© Words From The Soul by Lisa Jo Ewert. All rights reserved.