A Captured Moment
One single moment in time
Is captured for all to see
A piece of art is created
By something inside of me
With a camera in my hands
And nature before my eyes
I let my heart be the guide
Until the effect is realized
A rustic, time worn windmill
Young wolf pups at play
A majestic soaring eagle
A sunset to end the day
Quiet dignity of a lone wolf
Fragile beauty of a butterfly
Cuddly innocence of kittens
Silhouette of trees in the sky
A buck alert to all danger
Mare and colt running free
Sinewy strength of a cougar
A black bear climbing a tree
Endless moments await
So many gifts to behold
Each transferred to paper
With a story to be told
Lisa Jo Ewert
Written for Karen K. King
Copyright© October 2002