Those of you who lost a loved one Those of you who lost a friend Hold God�s hand within your own His loving touch will help you mend
Those of you who were injured
Those of you who lost your innocence
Those of you who cry for others
Those of you who are there to listen
Copyright© October 2001 |
I would like to send my love and sympathy to all of the people who were affected in some way by the attacks on America that took place on September 11, 2001. I would also like to say thank you to all of the �ground heroes� that worked so hard to find survivors and to give medical help. I wrote the above poem as a message to everyone that not only is God here to help us get through this situation but there are many people of all ages around the world who wish desperately to help in some way whether it is to give blood; send monetary or material donations; give support by listening or talking, or to simply use whatever means they have to reach out to people and show their support. |
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� By Elan Michaels