Renewal of Life


Release from the cold
Melting snow a good sign
Relished by young and old
Spring time so fine

Sun shining bright
Bird song fills the air
It feels just right
Enjoy life so fair

Buds form on trees
Butterflies float by
As pretty as you please
Give life a try

Smell of new flowers
Bright colors abound
Bask in it for hours
Simple pleasure is found

Small creatures are born
All life is renewed
Anticipate the morn
So much to be viewed

Breathe in the fresh air
Fluffy clouds in the sky
Nothing can compare
Don't let it slip by

Such a feeling of peace
One hard to describe
Freedom and release
Catch the springtime vibe

Lisa Jo Ewert
Copyright© July 1999

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Composed, Arranged, Performed and © By Yuko Ohigashi

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Copyright© Words From The Soul by Lisa Jo Ewert