A Shared
A beautiful
voice as pure
As the crisp air is at dawn
A joy for all to listen to
As each note lingers on
A gift that was bestowed
With a bigger plan in mind
A talent to be nurtured and
Shared with all mankind
Touching the lives of others
With music from his soul
Bringing a sense of peace
To make them feel whole
God gave a heart of gold
In addition to that voice
Helping hand always there
When allowed a choice
Promising future is seen
As we all unwrap this gift
Listening with our hearts
And feeling our spirits lift
Lisa Jo Ewert
Thank you Clay Aiken
Copyright© June 2003
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Copyright© Words From The Soul by Lisa Jo Ewert.
by Laurie McAdam. Copyright© 2003 Visit her at www.lauriemcadam.com
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