The Journey
Christopher and Robyn Hoff
August 28, 2004
This day represents the first step
Down a new path full of promise
A journey you will travel together
Future dreams sealed with a kiss
Holding hands as you walk along
Guiding each other down life’s road
Reaching out with the other hand
When one cannot carry the load
The path will not always be even
Rough patches may slow you down
But if you both forge ahead as one
Together you’ll find solid ground
Changing seasons alter the look
Of the road that you walk upon
Creating a brand new perspective
Anticipation to strengthen the bond
Many trails lead off the beaten path
At times you detour to other parts
Knowing the way back to each other
One soul with two beating hearts
Be sure to pack the necessities
Such as trust, loyalty, faith and love
Needed for a trip of this magnitude
Wrapped in blessings by God above
Lisa Jo Ewert
Copyright© August 2004