Creation vs. Evolution
"What's the purpose of life?" said the man to the younger.
"To satisfy needs---aggression, sex, and hunger."
"No" said the young man; wise beyond his years.
"The thought of Deity should be the beginning of our fears."
The old man with his education said that he believed
The young man was new to this--innocent and naive.
The young man closed his text; to the professor's chagrin
Stood before the teacher and sang to God a hymn.
He sang of faith, he sang of hope, he sang of love and peace.
Quietly resuming his place waited for the old man to speak.
The old man produced a well worn text of Animal Evolution.
He said to any question it offered a solution.
He carefully explained diagrams, figures, and charts.
"Back billions of years life is traced to the start.
Laughed the professor "I have proof, solid and sound."
On simple trusting faith Science must frown!"
The young man, unfazed by the old man's degrees
Unabashedly got down upon his knees.
He prayed a prayer for guidance and protection
Then turned to meet the old man's perplexed expression.
Said the elder "How can you call yourself a young scientist
And ignorantly engage in behavior such as this?"
"Because I have hope in this life and the next."
Answered the young man and placed a book upon the text.
"You know what Book this is and I'm leaving it with you
Wear out its pages before you label me a fool.