I asked Terri if I could put up this poem because it is a beautiful message to all of us about the importance of our
children and the influence we have on who they become.
Safe With You
I am still a tiny bud,
a small and unformed flower,
nourished by your guiding love
and growing more each hour.
Every tender word you say,
each kind and gentle touch,
respects my childhood innocence
and honours it as such.
I listen and I watch you
and I learn - just who I am.
You're the lion of my strength
and I'm your little lamb.
If I'm scared, I turn to you,
and when I find you there,
I feel secure and safe from harm
in your protective care.
I have no bigger hero
than the person that you are.
You're my total universe
and I, but one small star.
© 2000 Terri McPherson
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Email: terri@wisehearts.com
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Visit Yuko Ohigashi Plays Solo Piano
Composed, Arranged, Performed and © By Yuko Ohigashi